The Only Way Out is Through

The stream of time hit a nexus and, like an arrow striking ice, it splintered into five possibilities. I slipped into the most difficult crack, the choice hardest to make.

Like the Cylons, I have a plan.

And I am so sorry, my friends. I’m so sorry.

I must raze Caprica and follow the Eye of Jupiter.

5 Comments on "The Only Way Out is Through"

  1. Mom says:

    “Surprisingly, the races exterminated by the Cylons were removed without malice and were chronicled and remembered by them. The Cylons kept detailed records of all the races they destroyed, including their artifacts. Once an enemy was eliminated, the Cylons adapted all that was left behind.

    When the mechanical Cylons discovered humans, they copied their bodies and attempted to copy their ingenuity. In time, they came to understand humans well, and learned what weaknesses to exploit. They became smarter than humans but were never able to understand the unpredictable and sometimes irrational nature of the human mind.

    This may have helped the Imperious Leader decide that humans had to be exterminated”

    How can you plan like a Cylon?
    Unlike Monica, I don’t want you to “leave” the universe in any way at all.

    From some darn website

  2. Drey says:

    The site you found is referring to the original cheesy Battlestar Galactica show, not the one that is on now. Somewhat different Cylons.

  3. monica says:

    I don’t want you to leave the universe. You have things to do here.

    I wish there were a way for all of us to talk plainly of the things which plague us…

    Even if they seem more strange than the “fiction” that we take for entertainment.

  4. Drey says:

    I cannot speak plainly yet because it is a surprise.

  5. monica says:

    Ah, but isn’t the connotation of the word “surprise” generally good?

    Well…I guess it could be a nasty surprise. But I’m forever hopeful about those sorts of things…

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